I can only shake my head
I will only rarely stray into anything that isn’t related to the publishing world here. But there are times when I just have to. This morning is one of those days. Fair warning, this isn’t a rant. It’s more a “do I just shake my head and say, ‘bless her heart’ or do I pound my head against the wall until the idiocy goes away” posts.
The cause of this is a link a friend of mine shared over on Facebook. Admittedly, I read it before my second cup of coffee—always dangerous because my brain hasn’t kicked in fully. But even if I was on my third cup, it wouldn’t have mattered. Still, the link points out just how far our so-called media and mainstream network TV have fallen and the dangers of continuing to support it.
So, what set me off was a story about yesterday’s The View episode. I know, I know. The bar is set low when it comes to the panelists there and even-handed “reporting”. But Sunny Hostin’s comments about the eclipse, the NY earthquake and “climate change” take the cake.
Apparently, she “blamed Monday’s solar eclipse, Friday’s earthquake and the expected cicada breeding season on ‘climate change’.”
Read that again.
But it gets better.
She tried saying this is the first time in 100 years that two different cicada broods would have their mating seasons at the same time. She also tried blaming the earthquake on the warming of the earth. In the first case, Whoopie shut her down by pointing out it happens every 17 years. Then, and we may need to check to make sure Hell hasn’t frozen over, Joy Behar was the voice of reason, pointing out that earthquakes take place UNDERground and climate change couldn’t be their cause.
Hostin’s comment about the eclipse takes the cake however. She alluded to the “fact” the eclipse occurring around the same time as the other events meant something. Who knows what? Maybe the end of the world? Why do I have Bill Murray’s bit from Ghostbusters running through my head right now?
Once again, Whoopie reminded Hostin that we’ve known about the eclipse for not just hours or days but years. Not that it convinced her co-panelist the three events weren’t some sign of climate change apocolypse.
And this is who ABC, and its parent company Disney, wants our young daughters and granddaughters to look up to. This is who they hold out as an example of an educated, well-spoken, well-reasoned professional female.
Nope. Not what she showed yesterday. When Joy Behar is the voice of reason, along with Whoopie, there’s a problem.
Maybe I’ll wake up soon and discover this has all been a dream.
I’ll have a snippet from Warborn Legacy tomorrow (possibly even this afternoon). I’ve managed to correct the problem I discovered with the chapter I’d been working on. Now I just need to finish it.
Also, a quick thanks to everyone who downloaded Surtr’s Fury. Thanks to you, I woke up to this awesome surprise.
Being the #1 new release is something I hadn’t expected and I treasure. Thanks again. If you’d do me one favor and leave a review, I’d appreciate it.
Until later!